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Health and Safety Requirements for B&B Accommodation

By: Chris Hogan MSc - Updated: 10 Jul 2024 | comments*Discuss
B&b Safety Health Accommodation

Health and safety rules and regulations cannot be avoided when you're running any sort of business where the public are on your property. A bed and breakfast will present a number of areas where you are likely to have to modify or enhance the accommodation to comply.

Unfortunately, in this litigation conscious age, those rules and regulations are getting more widespread and more complicated and that's a trend that's unlikely to go into reverse at any time in the near future. There are three main areas that you need to concern yourself with, fire safety, cooking and kitchens, then other areas of the accommodation that guests can access.


Fire safety is probably the most important issue. Quite apart from the danger to life, many businesses that suffer fires never trade again. You must contact your local fire authority and inform them that you are going to be running a B&B. The mainstay of fire safety used to be the inspection by the fire safety officer but new regulations in 2006 now mean that you have to perform a risk assessment.

Leaflets to help you do this are available from the fire authority in your region and in some cases can be downloaded from their websites. There will still be regular accommodation inspections and there is now considerable concern that many B&B's will be classed in the same bracket as hotels. This may mean having to install complex and expensive systems such as emergency lighting and sprinkler systems. If you are about to embark on a conversion of a property into a B&B it's strongly advised that you get professional advice about this before beginning the work.

Kitchen Health and Safety Requirements

In kitchens the issues are two-fold; there are the health risks associated with improper storage, preparation and cooking of food and the health risks in terms of injury to you and other staff while working there. Health and safety with regard to food can cover the following:

  • Equipment cleaning and care
  • Disposal of food waste
  • Quality of the water supply
  • Food and personal hygiene
  • Protection against contamination

There are too many areas to cover in detail in this article but training about cleanliness and health hazards as well as personal injury risks in the kitchen is strongly advised. Remember the damage that can be done to your business if you are, rightly or wrongly, accused of being responsible for a food poisoning incident.

General Health and Safety Around the B&B

In other areas the requirements are to either remove hazards or make them obvious to guests so that they can avoid them. So for example, plate glass patio doors in a dining room or lounge should have the correct strength of glass and frame. They may also need a pattern embossed or stuck on them so that people can see when they are closed. Baths and showers should have non-slip surfaces and mats.

The way to approach these various hazards is to do an assessment by yourself or, preferably, by a trained health and safety professional. It's worth getting someone else to do it as they will spot hazards that you will no longer be aware of, having got used to them over time. The assessment will identify areas where action will need to be taken.

First Aid Requirements

Finally, although it's not a legal obligation to be able to administer first aid skills to guests, it is almost certainly a moral one. So it's well worth investing in training for all the people who are involved in running the business full-time, and making sure that the first aid kit is up-to-date and well stocked at all times.

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We stayed at a bed and breakfast or something from a horror story. The owner is dirty and she stinks. Just keep in mind this a 3 star. I don't have a problem with animals but the 2 dogs that is on the premises stinks as much as the owner. She allowed people to smoke in the lounge area, although there are no smoking signs. All she keeps on saying ask them not to smoke in the lounge.She used a lead to give power to our rooms, so everytime you enter the lounge area you must first climb over a lead to get to your room, safety concern if that thing shorts or burns out. The pool is green as grass, the lapa is busy falling apart literally, the reception area smells like dog pee and the dog hair is all over. We took a quick look in the kitchen and it was a disaster as the dogs peed and pood in the kitchen and the Laundry area opposite the kitchen. Very unhealthy and a health concern. The rooms are molded and leaking as well with cracks in the walls. Where can I report this as I did email the grading council and to date they are still coming back to me in connection to my complaint/ concern about that place. Unfortunately I personally think that this place needs to be closed down asap as the outside building is also full of cracks.
Jayla - 10-Jul-24 @ 9:35 PM
I need urgent information please. I’ve recently been wanting to book a b&b but the b&b host works with his son who is an ex police officer who was banned and sacked for domestic violence and has been put on probation and deemed a risk to adults and children is he allowed to work in the b&b it makes me uneasy???
K.ryan - 30-Nov-23 @ 7:49 PM
We had a recent stay at the Vancouver West Guesthouse.Very unsanitary conditions.Filthy walls, bugs crawling everywhere - we prebooked for 2 nights but left after one.No amenities in the suite - no kleenex, no TV, not even a bar of soap.Communal kitchen has bugs running through cupboards.Run, don't walk, away from this facility!
Avjo - 6-Nov-23 @ 3:51 PM
We had a recent stay at a B&B, it was classed as an annex. You had to climb stairs to get to the room, there was no bannister on either side, the stairs were open with a wall on one side. I fell down the stairs from the fourth step, or should I say fell sideways onto the floor below, luckily I wasn't too badly hurt but I think it needs reporting as there were other hazards we noticed. Who can I report this to?
Kj - 26-Oct-22 @ 1:50 PM
I booked an airbnb which was a glamoing pod but when I got there there were no sheets or pillows. The listing when you scroll down does have a "suggested packing list. Which included bedding but this should be changed to essential.. I question whether airbnb should allow this
Lead - 28-Sep-22 @ 8:44 AM
guest house fortwilliam. ( top of hill) scammers,liars, conartists. Dont be fooled. Guests beware.
Honesty - 10-Dec-20 @ 8:08 PM
My sister and her husband stayed in a b an b in whitby. It was filthy, disgusting. She took photos The shower plug hole was full of human hair, and the smell was sickening The lampshade was thick in dust The plastic sheet was ripped, and the mattress had urine and blood stains on it I could go on. She asked to be moved, so they moved her to a another place, and that was just as dirty. She asked for a refund and they refused So rude so what can she do !!
Gbro - 1-Sep-20 @ 9:55 AM
I stayed in a b&b in great Yarmouth it was so unsafe for my daughter and me that I had to insist on being moved to another room in the end I was moved to another hotel but I'm concerned another family might be seriously injury if this b&b is not investigated who do I talk to please
Susie - 8-Aug-20 @ 4:48 PM
I have a b&b that runs underneath my flat and the water supply runs from my house through to their b&b. Should by law they now have their own water supply as they are a business
Ninja - 8-Apr-20 @ 11:40 AM
When my husband stayed at a B&B/Pub recently he slipped on the bathroom floor standing on a mat which was not non-slip and hit his head on the side of the bath panel with a metal trim sticking out slicing his head open. The next day after breakfast he was told by the owner to go to Minor injuries where he needed 10 stitches to his head and because he is on blood thinners had to spend another 2-3 hours at the main Hospital having a head scan- which was normal (thank heavens). Can we sue the B&B for negligence as none of the claims people advertised on TV want to take on his case?
Hellsbells - 13-Nov-19 @ 2:19 PM
I recently stayed at a b&b with my husband & two daughters aged 5 & 7. The layout was a double bedroom that led through to an ensuite that then led to a bedroom with bunk beds. The bathroom light wasnt working so the owner of the b&b had plugged a floor lamp into the bunk bed room and placed the lamp in the bathroom next to the sink. This meant that every time my children wanted to go from the bathroom to their room or vice versa they had to step over an electrical lead. Is this safe & acceptable? Not to mention having an electrical lamp next to the sink. Any advice/info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Debs - 25-Sep-19 @ 2:40 PM
Hi, I recently stayed in a hostel, the mattress was no more than springs with a filthy cover but my main concern was overhanging mattresses on upper and lower bunks with a lack of railings. Is this legal. I tried to speak to staff and they ignored me and refused to discuss.
BB - 4-Jun-19 @ 8:38 PM
NJ - Your Question:
During a recent stay at a hotel we were faced with a toilet in our on suite constantly backing up with poo from the moment we arrived, the toilet was like that when we arrived before using it. The room also smelt of stale poo during the night. Although I informed the owners the one was almost in disbelief. Should they be renting a room out like that?

Our Response:
Report this to environmental health.
StartABedAndBreakfast - 28-Aug-18 @ 11:34 AM
During a recent stay at a hotel we were faced with a toilet in our on suite constantly backing up with poo from the moment we arrived, the toilet was like that when we arrived before using it. The room also smelt of stale poo during the night. Although I informed the owners the one was almost in disbelief. Should they be renting a room out like that?
NJ - 27-Aug-18 @ 1:08 PM
Is it legal requirement for hot water in ensuite 2 prevent cross infection Thank you
bernie - 7-May-18 @ 11:32 AM
My parents just bought a B&B and were told by previous owners that they can only advertise 2 rooms because of some sort of rugulation. Is this true? And what needs to be done to be able to advertise all 5 bedrooms?
Krissy - 22-Jun-17 @ 3:32 PM
Phoenix lodge in Watford should be closed down, smoke alarms covered up with plastic bags, kitchen a health hazard, bathroom disgusting, my 6 year old son wee's in a bucket as is to scared to go to the bathroom, this place should not be trading. CLOSE IT DOWN!!!
sam - 14-Sep-16 @ 3:41 PM
Farhan - Your Question:
I am living in bed and breakfast accommodation from last 2 months. Every week hot water stops for two days. It's now a winter And I have kids age 4 and 7. It's very difficult to live without hot water. Is there any law for this issue and if there is then who to complain. Other people who living here longer then us they said that its the owner who turned the boiler off by purpose so that people use less water. There are elderly people living here aswell. Please advise what I can do.

Our Response:
You could always look for an alternative B&B to stay in. A landlord who loses business will have to improve or close down.
StartABedAndBreakfast - 22-Oct-15 @ 10:39 AM
I am living in bed and breakfast accommodation from last 2 months. Every week hot water stops for two days. It's now a winter And I have kids age 4 and 7. It's very difficult to live without hot water. Is there any law for this issue and if there is then who to complain. Other people who living here longer then us they said that its the owner who turned the boiler off by purpose so that people use less water. There are elderly people living here aswell. Please advise what I can do.
Farhan - 20-Oct-15 @ 8:21 PM
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