Starting Up...
Below are our articles on the subject of Starting Up. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Building a Website for Your Business
Building a website shouldn’t be that onerous but it is a critical marketing tool for modern B&B's as customers can be reached over the internet quickly and efficiently....
Business Framework for Operating a B & B
One of the first things to do, once you've decided how the funds to start the B&B are going to be arranged, is to choose the right framework to administer the business....
Buying an Existing Business or Starting from Scratch
There are two main routes to setting up a B & B, buying an existing business or starting from scratch by converting a suitable property, but what are the risks and how…...
Catering: What Food Should You Offer?
With today's concerns over food and diets, you may find that you will rarely be cooking up a full English breakfast in your B & B, but what other choices should you be…...
Day to Day B & B Management
Everyday management, deciding on policies, communicating them and then checking that they are being kept to, all sounds like a lot of red tape, but it will make the…...
Does the Owner Have to Live in Their B&B?
Traditionally the owners of a B&B would live in the building with their own accommodation, but is that still necessary today?...
Finding the Right Funding & Finance for Business
Starting a bed and breakfast is an achievable dream for many people but it's crucial that you prepare budgets for the funding opportunities necessary to provide the…...
Finding the Right Niche Market for Your Business
Setting up your B & B so that it appeals to certain niche markets is well worth trying, but you need to research the area that you're in and it's attractions in order…...
Fire Regulations and Bed & Breakfast Businesses
In 2005 and 2006 changes to the way that fire safety measures were implemented caused huge problems for B&B owners in the UK but relief is on the way....
Is a Bed and Breakfast The Right Business For You?
If you're considering a bed and breakfast as a business startup then you need to make an honest assessment of your capabilities, in particular handling the stresses…...
Systems and Procedures For Booking in Guests
Double bookings or ghost bookings are a nightmare for a B&B and can hurt your reputation as well as your income, so design and enforce strict procedures to control…...
The Benefits of Being Based in a Tourist Area
Location is the crucial watchword for any tourist-based business and a B& B is no different, so make sure you weigh up the benefits and disadvantages of you chosen…...
Will a City B & B Work?
Can a B&B work in a major city rather than the more traditional tourist locations?...